Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Night -Night Cap

c:  WTF are you doing?

t:  Is this a trick question?  Drinking lemonade while naked...yep, that's what I'm doing.

c:  Lmfaooooooooooo!!! I knew it was something stupid that's why I why I asked.  Why are you always naked?

t:  I'm a visionary and this is how I think.

c:  You're not thinking about shit other than OPP!  Who are you fooling?

t:  Jesus has touched lives in March because folks are no longer sexting.  Are regular people part of the illuminati because I'm sure they're still down for the get down.

c:  Sexting is still alive and well. (rest of comment edited for Christ)

t:  I just poured a little lemonade out in your memory.

c:  Lmfaooooooooo!!

t:  This must have been explained in psychology but here I am a naked little butterfly ready to spread my pollen (or is that bees) to the little trees but ok....  whatever I'm sure these dumbasses will wait til I'm in some halfway decent relationship to come trying to ring my bell.

c:  Yep!  Thats how it goes so keep sitting there and add some liquor to that lemonade or just get rid of the lemonade altogether.  You need a new lineup.  Maybe you should be working on that.

t:  It's spring so my neighbors should come out of hibernating and start swinging again.

c:  Wow!  Goodbye!!!!!

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